Pro Part

Pro Part System

Environmental system for waste

Save on emptying costs and disposal costs by using our expertise.Nowadays, almost every company in the repair sector has an oil separator for its wastewater. If the enforcer can demonstrate based on indications that the separator could in principle be suitable or responsible for the pollution in the sewer, then this is indeed the case! From this point on, the burden of proof is reversed and the owner of the separator must be able to prove based on facts that they are not at fault.
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More than welcome

Savings on the emptying

Twice a year, Pro Part measures the sludge layer and oil layer and documents this in the logbook. This provides a piece of security, manageability, legal certainty for the companies concerned, and often savings on emptying, as these are often scheduled periodically, while they are usually not yet necessary. Since it can be documented based on the logbook that the layer thicknesses are not yet at a level where the separator could pose a danger, the emptying can be postponed indefinitely. This means that for many companies, significant savings can be realized, which are more than welcome in this day and age. Collecting waste and avoiding extra kilometers is also more than welcome for waste processors and the burden on their processing facilities.
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Placeholder for Pro Part Storage System 14Pro Part Storage System 14

Balanced assortment of premium quality

Do more with less. Less inventory required, smaller warehouse.

Pro Part werkt. Dat bewijzen we iedere dag weer

We richten de werkplaats in en starten een proefperiode.

We doen meer met minder, de producten hebben een hoge mate van efficiency

Premium kwaliteit, biologisch afbreekbaar.

We gebruiken zoveel mogelijk biologisch afbreekbare bestanddelen

Door juist doseren gaan Pro Part producten bewezen langer mee.

Geen bulk inkoop noodzakelijk

Geen minimale afname, alle producten zijn via de App los verkrijgbaar.

Vertrouwd in werkplaatsen door heel Europa

324.000 Werk­plaat­sen en bedri­jven gebruiken Pro Part
17.4% Gemid­delde kostenbesparing
4.8 Score
19.2 mln Kilo Pro Part pro­ducten wor­den jaar­lijks gebruikt

Vertrouwd in werkplaatsen door heel Europa

324.000 Werk­plaat­sen en bedri­jven gebruiken Pro Part
17.4% Gemid­delde kostenbesparing
4.8 Score
19.2 mln Kilo Pro Part pro­ducten wor­den jaar­lijks gebruikt

Pro Part works. And we can prove it.

We will set up your workplace for a trial period of one month. If you are not satisfied or there are no savings after one month, everything will be reset to the current status.
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Pro Part werkt. En dat kunnen we bewijzen.

Wij richten je werkplaats in voor een proefperiode van een maand. Na een maand niet tevreden of geen besparing? Alles wordt teruggezet naar de huidige status.

Placeholder for SamenwerkenSamenwerken

Pro Part Systems

Placeholder for Systemen voeg en afdichtsysteem flex seal system in praktijk 001Systemen voeg en afdichtsysteem flex seal system in praktijk 001

Joint & sealing system

Many standard terrace joints crack after only 1 to 2 years due to weather conditions. Thanks to EASY FIX from Pro Part, this is now a thing of the past! With this kit, we can seal both a regular joint and an elastic joint with lasting elasticity. Due to the closed structure without pores, the sealant remains elastic and prevents mold from forming in the sealant. Additionally, the sealant is chlorine-resistant, making it the right choice for sealing in and around swimming pools, in addition to terraces and sanitary environments.

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Stone bonding

Stones that are attached with cementing under a support beam often crack, break, or even come loose completely. This is because they cannot accommodate the expansion of the building. That is why Pro Part has developed the Stone Fix System, where we glue stones under a support beam with an elastic adhesive. Furthermore, we also use primers to increase and maintain adhesion. Thanks to the high initial adhesion of the adhesive, nothing needs to be supported, saving you a lot of time.
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Hand washing and protection

The hand soaps from our BodyCare+ line were developed according to cosmetic regulations and are fully biodegradable. It cleans the hands even from the biggest contaminations such as fats, adhesives, PU, and polymers. In addition to cleaning, our soaps also have a protective and nourishing role for the hands.
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Industrial paints & coatings

The Multi Use System offers a wide range of high-quality industrial paints, coatings, and floor coatings for a variety of applications within the construction, industry, automotive, transport, and agriculture sectors. Because the applications are so diverse, we recommend contacting us so we can determine which products are needed for your specific project.

Pro Part Branches

The Pro Part System

Pro Part works. And we can prove it.

We will set up your workplace for a trial period of one month. If not satisfied or no savings after one month? Everything will be returned to the current status.
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